Pet sitters and dog walkers, sign up clients with this easy-to-use professional Pet Sitting Service Agreement.
The Agreement is actually
four documents in one. The form contains:
- a comprehensive Pet Sitting Agreement,
- Pet Information Form with details about the pet(s) to be cared for by the service provider,
- Medical Profile and Veterinarian Information,
- Statement of Client regarding the pet's health and temperament.
The client agrees to pay for all vet bills, medication and treatment, special diet or other required items, and provide proof that the pet's vaccinations are up to date.
The client is liable for any injury or damage sustained by the pet sitter which is caused by the pet, and waives any claims against the pet sitter except those due to negligence or misconduct.
Pet Sitting Agreement is provided in MS Word format, and can be easily customized to fit your circumstances.